Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto

Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto


Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto

Personal Experience

As a student at Uniminuto, I have always looked forward to the Calendario Q3, which is the third quarter calendar for the year. It is a time when the university community comes together to celebrate various events and festivals.

Last year, I had the opportunity to participate in some of these events, and it was a great experience. I got to meet new people, learn about different cultures, and have fun.

What is Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto?

Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto is the third quarter calendar for the year 2024 at Uniminuto University in Colombia. It includes various events and festivals that are celebrated by the university community.

List of Events and Festivals

  • Independence Day Celebration
  • International Day of Peace
  • Christmas Celebration
  • New Year’s Eve Party
  • Valentine’s Day Celebration
  • International Women’s Day
  • Earth Day
  • Graduation Ceremony
  • Sports Day
  • Cultural Festival

Events and Festivals Celebration

The celebrations during Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto are a mix of cultural, social, and academic events. The Independence Day Celebration is held on the 20th of July, and it is a national holiday in Colombia. The university community comes together to celebrate the country’s independence with music, food, and fireworks.

The International Day of Peace is celebrated on the 21st of September. The university organizes a peace march and a candlelight vigil to promote peace and tolerance.

The Christmas Celebration is a big event at Uniminuto. The university is decorated with lights and ornaments, and there are musical performances, food, and drinks. The New Year’s Eve Party is also a big event, with a countdown to midnight and fireworks.

Valentine’s Day Celebration is organized by the students. They decorate the university with hearts and flowers, and there are performances, games, and prizes. International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th of March with a conference on women’s rights and empowerment.

Earth Day is celebrated on the 22nd of April. The university organizes a tree-planting ceremony and a recycling campaign. The Graduation Ceremony is held at the end of the quarter, and it is a big event for the graduates and their families.

Sports Day is a day when the university community comes together to participate in various sports activities, including soccer, basketball, and volleyball. The Cultural Festival is a week-long event that celebrates the diversity of cultures at Uniminuto. There are performances, food, and exhibitions from different countries and regions.

Question and Answer

Q: Who can participate in the events and festivals during Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto?

A: The events and festivals are open to all members of the university community, including students, faculty, and staff.

Q: Do I need to pay to participate in the events and festivals?

A: Most of the events and festivals are free, but some may require a small fee for food or drinks.

Q: Can I bring my family and friends to the events and festivals?

A: Yes, you can bring your family and friends to the events and festivals, but make sure to check if there are any restrictions or limitations.


Q: When does Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto start and end?

A: Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto starts on the 16th of July and ends on the 31st of October.

Q: Can I suggest an event or festival to be included in Calendario Q3 2024 Uniminuto?

A: Yes, you can suggest an event or festival to the university’s events committee.

Q: What should I wear to the events and festivals?

A: It depends on the event or festival. Some events may require formal attire, while others may be more casual. Check the event details for dress code information.