Full Moon Dates Calendar 2024

Full Moon Dates Calendar 2024

Full Moon 2022 Calendar 12 Full Moons and their Names
Full Moon 2022 Calendar 12 Full Moons and their Names from www.fullmoonology.com

As a lover of astronomy and astrology, I always look forward to the Full Moon dates every year. In 2023, I had the pleasure of witnessing some of the most beautiful Full Moons, which left me eagerly anticipating the Full Moon dates calendar for 2024. In this article, I will be sharing my personal experience and all the information you need to know about the Full Moon dates in 2024.

What is a Full Moon?

A Full Moon occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from Earth. It happens when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, which means that the entire illuminated side of the Moon is facing us.

Full Moon Dates Calendar 2024

The Full Moon dates for 2024 are:

  • January 21
  • February 19
  • March 20
  • April 19
  • May 18
  • June 17
  • July 16
  • August 15
  • September 14
  • October 13
  • November 12
  • December 12

Mark your calendars and make sure to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Full Moon on these dates.

Events and Festivals in Full Moon Dates Calendar 2024

Full Moon dates are often associated with various events and festivals around the world. Here are some of the events and festivals you can look forward to in 2024:

  • January 21 – Wolf Moon: This Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon, which is a name given by Native American tribes. In some cultures, it is also called the Old Moon or the Moon After Yule.
  • February 19 – Snow Moon: The Snow Moon is named after the snowy conditions in February. In some cultures, it is also called the Hunger Moon or the Storm Moon.
  • March 20 – Worm Moon: The Worm Moon is named after the earthworm casts that appear as the ground thaws in March. In some cultures, it is also called the Sap Moon or the Crow Moon.
  • April 19 – Pink Moon: The Pink Moon is named after the pink phlox flowers that bloom in April. In some cultures, it is also called the Sprouting Grass Moon or the Egg Moon.
  • May 18 – Flower Moon: The Flower Moon is named after the flowers that bloom in May. In some cultures, it is also called the Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.
  • June 17 – Strawberry Moon: The Strawberry Moon is named after the strawberries that are harvested in June. In some cultures, it is also called the Rose Moon or the Hot Moon.
  • July 16 – Buck Moon: The Buck Moon is named after the male deer that begin to grow their antlers in July. In some cultures, it is also called the Thunder Moon or the Hay Moon.
  • August 15 – Sturgeon Moon: The Sturgeon Moon is named after the sturgeon fish that are abundant in August. In some cultures, it is also called the Green Corn Moon or the Grain Moon.
  • September 14 – Harvest Moon: The Harvest Moon is named after the time of year when crops are harvested. In some cultures, it is also called the Corn Moon or the Barley Moon.
  • October 13 – Hunter’s Moon: The Hunter’s Moon is named after the time of year when hunters begin to hunt game for the winter. In some cultures, it is also called the Blood Moon or the Sanguine Moon.
  • November 12 – Beaver Moon: The Beaver Moon is named after the time of year when beavers begin to build their dams. In some cultures, it is also called the Frost Moon or the Mourning Moon.
  • December 12 – Cold Moon: The Cold Moon is named after the cold and snowy conditions in December. In some cultures, it is also called the Long Nights Moon or the Moon Before Yule.

Celebrating Full Moon Dates

There are many ways to celebrate Full Moon dates, depending on your culture and beliefs. Some people perform rituals, meditate, or simply spend time outdoors enjoying the beauty of the Full Moon. Whatever you choose to do, take a moment to appreciate the natural wonder of our universe.

Question and Answer

What is the significance of Full Moon dates?

Full Moon dates have significance in many cultures and belief systems. They are often associated with changes in nature, such as the changing of seasons, and are considered a time of reflection and renewal.

What is a Blue Moon?

A Blue Moon is a rare occurrence when there are two Full Moons in one calendar month. The second Full Moon is called the Blue Moon. This phenomenon happens about once every 2.7 years.

Can Full Moons affect human behavior?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that Full Moons can affect human behavior. However, many people believe that Full Moons can cause changes in mood and behavior.


What is the difference between a Full Moon and a Supermoon?

A Supermoon occurs when the Full Moon coincides with the Moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. A Full Moon, on the other hand, occurs when the Moon is fully illuminated as seen from Earth.

What is a Black Moon?

A Black Moon is a rare occurrence when there are two New Moons in one calendar month. The second New Moon is called the Black Moon. This phenomenon happens about once every 32 months.

What is the best way to view a Full Moon?

The best way to view a Full Moon is to find a dark location away from city lights. You can also use binoculars or a telescope to get a closer look.

In conclusion, the Full Moon dates calendar for 2024 promises to be a year full of natural wonder and beauty. Whether you choose to celebrate with rituals or simply take a moment to appreciate the Full Moon, make sure to mark your calendars and enjoy the magic of the universe.